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Nulled Opencart Extensions
Customer Experience
Language And Currency Dropdowns Per Store
Customer Experience (38)
- Category Enhancements (4)
- Checkout Extensions (1)
- Customer Account Extensions (16)
- Images & Media (1)
- Localization Extensions (3)
- Product Enhancements (8)
- Restriction Extensions (2)
Site Management (76)
Integrations (7)
Language And Currency Dropdowns Per Store
Compatible with:
2.x / 3.x Opencart versions.
Free Upgrades: 12 months
Price: $20.00
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Yes, installation support required (+$5.00)
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As Administrator of websites We love to have as many features as possible. By default if you run opencart website in a multistore option and have few stores setup in diferrent regions, that is obvious that you need to set up few languages and few currencies. And that is all ok,
But sometimes customers when do see on a website 10 languages or 5 diferrent currencies used sometimes they do not use such stores . there are many reasons for that, the lots of languages on a website usually makes customer believe that there will longer support responses if they need it, or in case something goes wrong with order they simply will loose.
Also if you run Opencart in different regions for example one store in USA another Norway it is better to run more individual setups and personalized stores to your potential customers:)
This extension will allow you to hide a currency dropdowns and language dropdowns to be selected by user, so now you can set the main language for each multi store to be used also you can set the main currency by each store to be used. And disable the possibility to change it, so now you can have to get a better seo and ranking in search engines in a specific regions also to make more user friendly environment for your buyers. This from the first look a small improvement to your region stores may make a big change in obtaining more loyal customers
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