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Sometimes happens that we do need to suspend some products, due to manufacturer issues or something else, and in order to do so we as admin have to walk trough numerous products and disable it Searching for the right manufacturer assigned. and let's face it such task takes hell of amount of time to do it. So here come this module wich one will allow you as admin quicly with a single click to suspend/hide products from your stores by manufacturers.Simply install it, enable it. And in manufacturers section you will have new option show / hide products by manufacturer on the front page. Simply check store stores where you want to show or hide the products by scpecific manufacturer and you are done. All products will become hidden for your customers, so you will not require to walk trough all of your products searching which ones are assigned to the manufacturer you want to disable.This module is a must to have for store owners who has lots of manufacturers and sometimes they do have to disable some products related to them in one or another store.Module is fully multilingual and supports multistores.